Anti-Terrorism Officer (ATO)

Anti-Terrorism Officer (ATO) Course in Rome, Italy 13-17 November 2017 Hemeis, in conjunction  with the S2 Safety & Intelligence Institute, the International Association of Counterterrorism and Security Professionals (IACSP) and the  American Society for Industrial Security  ASIS International will present  on 13-17 November 2017 a five-day, 40-hour  of the  Anti-Terrorism Officer (ATO) Course in Rome, […]


ASIS Middle East Conference 2017 in Manama – Bahrain

Ms Anna Corsaro, Hemeis Founder and Managing Director and Chairperson of ASIS International Maghreb, will be serving as a session chair for the Soft Target Protection block. She is an international expert in Soft Target Protection in a counter-terrorism context.


Dialogue 5+ 5 and The Geopolitical Challenges of The Euro-Mediterranean

Ms Anna Corsaro, Hemeis Founder and Managing Director and Chairperson of ASIS International Maghreb, was the International Security Expert for the Event. This event aims to establish a propitious frame for dialogue and cooperation amongst member countries to tackle issues as security and stability, economic integration and regional migration.